Saturday, September 13, 2014

7 Kissing Rules

1. Dont have chapped lips:

Especially if you're a girl, theres no excuse for you to look like you've been picking sea shells with your lips. Lips all fucked up and peeling, looking like they about to break up with themselves, Brush your teeth, lips and tongue, use some lip balm before you go to bed dammit, where are your priorities?

2. Enjoy the moment:

Live in it, look i know sometimes when you want someone real bad, its hard to take your time and everything between when you kiss and when you're inside them is a blur.
 But for the most times, when you wanna make a gotta do it slow. Some dudes need to hear this, don't kiss her like its a means to an end, kiss her like its an end in itself. Kiss her and make her want forever, feel her lips against yours, her eyelashes fluttering against your cheek, her chest rising and falling against yours. Live in the moment, own it, make love to her mouth till her knees say "Fuck it,we're done".


It seems like common sense, but the tongue will get you into sticky more ways than one...if you know what I mean. Stay with me.
You cant just thrust it in there, you gotta build up to it, teasing her lips with it, keeping it flat and soft, playing with hers, keep it mostly in your mouth, but feel when she wants more and set it free on the inhale.
You can also use your tongue as a sexual thermometer. All that means is, if a girl starts to suck on your tongue, that means she would like you to occupy her vagina at your earliest convenience.

4. Grab a Handful

Back of the neck, hair, bum, if you're kissing her good she's going to want your hands on her body. Some girls like your fingers playing in her hair as you kiss, like a scalp massage, some girls love to feel your dominance; wrapped up in muscular arms, one hand on the back of their neck the other firmly gripping their bum, some like to feel their face cupped in your hands as you kiss them softly and just drink of the sweet nectar of their lips, you know?. Whatever the case is, dont be afraid to explore and find out.

5. Be passionate

Every womans desire, whether she admits it or not is to be Ravished. She wants a man who will take her f--k and/or make love to her completely, and thoroughly. Imagine she is everything you've been wanting and practising for. Don't be shy or timid and wonder if she likes something, you know why? cus in that moment you're not being passionate. A fire never wondered if a piece of wood would be offended if it burnt it, it realises that the piece of wood showed up to be burnt and then it proceeds to do what fires do. All that means is, passion is when you kiss someone and no matter how deep you kiss em, how tight you hold them, you feel like you cant get close enough to them. Its when you want someone so bad you feel like you're gna black out, passion is what happens when desire and respect collide, when you feel like you want to kiss and touch them everywhere at once, and every kiss makes you thirsty for more.

 Shit, that was intense.

6. Remember Hot spots;

Girls like to be kissed in certain places, the neck is a major one, theres something instinctive or primal about the neck. Use your tongue, teeth, lips  in a variety of shapes and movements and drive them wild. If you're hugging from behind you can kiss a smile on the back of their neck, kissing traditional face to face, you could kiss a trail up her cheekbones and whisper something in her ear or nibble on an earlobe...Also did you know, if you exhale gently in a girls ear in the throes of passion, like just breathe "you are so beautiful" or something equally smooth in her ear, her panties will automatically detach themselves from her pisda, travel down her legs and skip into your hand?

 this is a scientific fact, google it.

and Lastly,

7.Close your f__king eyes you weirdo.

If you kiss with your eyes open...Stop it. Dont do it. Its weird. If im kissing you and i open my eyes for some reason and see you staring back at me...look, ...i might panic and chop you in the throat, in self defense. Its weird, i probably wont chop you in the throat, but im gna need you to explain yourself and why you're acting like a rapist, 

Thats all for now, its been real. 


....Always a pleasure xx

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